Digital Issuance Experience for TD Bank
How might new and or existing customers start using their new card immediately?
As head of design, I led a cross-functional team through an extensive human-centered design process including research, ideation, prototyping and usability testing.
High Level Current Process

How Might We...

Idea Generation


- Conducted member research to uncover insights on payment preferences
- Facilitated ideation workshops to explore digital wallet solutions
- Created and refined multiple concepts focused on education, security, and convenience
- Validated designs through usability testing on two target concepts
- Synthesized learnings into guiding experience principles
Debit Concepts V1

Debit Concepts V2

Credit Card V1

Credit Card V2

- Gained executive buy-in on design direction within the US
- Had to re-align experience to meet requirements from Canadian partners
- Navigating feedback and approvals across three separate business units
- Revising approved designs to accommodate international differences
- Mitigating friction between conflicting opinions on UX direction
Our research validated that members would adopt mobile wallets if they provided simplicity and security. My team delivered a human-centered vision and design direction to make this a reality.
Key Contributions
- Led end-to-end design strategy from research through final recommendations
- Collaborated across disciplines to create a stellar UX vision
- Adapted process for remote collaboration during critical project timeline
- Set guidance for intuitive digital wallet experience true to member needs

"I don't know how... but everything you touch just turns to gold!" - E.K., VP of US Design
In summary, I successfully directed a complex project by putting our members first. Our final vision and recommendations reflect this human-centered approach.